Unseasonable warm weather that has us all thinking about spring. It is right around the corner whether we are ready for it or not, but we are not quite out of winter just yet. Temperature fluctuations can be very hard on plants causing premature budding and new growth. Thanks to our lovely Texas weather, we could have a freeze in the middle of having warmer temperatures that can burn back any new growth of your landscape. There are signs to look for if you think your landscape has experienced cold burn from a freeze. If your shrubs have pushed new growth they may have brown leaves or even blackened ends. If you have annual or perennials in your landscape there is a good chance the foliage looks soggy or mushy, which is a normal symptom of a freeze. Trees will show cold damage a bit differently, they may defoliate if any new leaves or existing leaves were present, but that does not mean they are dead. Trees may also have blackened ends where new growth was burned back as well. The best thing to do when you have damaged leaves or burnt ends is to remove it from the plant and give them a chance to push new foliage. Frost damage can be in different forms for different plants. What have you experienced in your landscape that may have received frost damage, and what did you do as a result?