Vegetable Gardens are very popular and rewarding, but they can be tricky at times. SBS has compiled some helpful information along the way to help with installing or amending vegetable gardens. All garden soils and amendments produced by Soil Building Systems are 100% organic and safe for use in vegetable gardens.
Keys to Vegetable Garden Success
Vegetables gardens have historically been one of the more challenging crops with which to achieve success. In our experience of over 40 years, there are numerous variables to consider that can impact the growth of plants, and especially vegetables. As such, SBS is unable to warranty or guarantee the growth production of any plant material. However, with patience and a little know-how, most all perceived challenges will dissipate with time.
Click HERE to view images of vegetable garden experiences over the course of several years.
Let's Build A Veggie Garden!
1) | Locate and Measure: Find the location appropriate for the types of crops you intend to grow, considering sun/shade as well as irrigation needs. You will need to find a location that gets a minimum of 8 hours of sun a day. Use the SBS Cubic Yard Calculator to the left to determine the quantity of material needed.
2) |
Determine the type of bed you wish to create (i.e. raised, in-ground, or replenishing an existing bed), and then choose the appropriate product. Installing raised vegetable beds and boxes: Lightly till or work area at the bottom of the box or bed area. This will help drainage in the deepest sections. Next, backfill with one of the following:
In-ground gardens: Consider amending the soil with one of the following:
Amend existing beds: If you have an existing garden that has been previously prepared and planted, amend using the following technique:
3) | Don't wait to start your organic vegetable garden, do it TODAY!